Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Saving Money With High Gas Prices? Go Hybrid!

By Eugene Agyei Yeboah

It's tough out there, it really is. To say the least, the economy is not the healthiest it could be. To add to the trouble, gas prices are extremely high. For most of us, refilling at the pump could cost anywhere between $40-60, maybe higher. Ouch!! I'm not too fond about these gas prices, I'm sure you aren't either.

As a matter of fact, a friend of mine and I were having a conversation about excessive gas prices. A conversation that I'm sure many of us have had.

Anyway, she was speaking about how she no longer drives. As a student in a university, it is extremely tough to pay expenses, and then spend $60 at the pump. As we kept talking, she mentioned that it was even worse for her dad, as he paid $85 to fill up his vehicle!! What kind of car was he driving?!

A truck.

Wow... $85 at the pump, per week? That is about $300 a month, multiply that by 12, that comes out to be $3,600. That's $3,600 that he spends per year, on gas alone! I'm just playing these numbers, my friend's dad may actually pay more, or less. At these prices, we have a new bill to pay for: the Gas Bill.

I'm sure I'm not only speaking for myself when I state that these conditions kill wallets. We can't abandon our cars and automobiles because we need them to get by.

A dilemma that forces us to spend hundreds of dollars on gas. Although we can always drive smarter to preserve gas, it won't put a large dent into that $3,600. Sad but true...

DRIVING SMARTER, just a very few tips.

- Try not to surpass 43mph when driving, speeds above that causes your car to conquer a massive amount of wind resistance. As a result, more gas is used and ultimately more money is used.

- Don't let the dog (or even kids, although they're animals as well) stick its head out the window. To be more precise, don't keep windows open when driving at considerable speeds (50mph and higher). If you do, you allow air drag. Sadly, one of the effects of air drag is dropping mileage by almost 13%. Therefore, we must resist the urge to stick our heads out the car window.

- Try to maintain a steady speed. Just like turning on and off lights wastes power, speeding up and slowing down frequently, wastes gasoline and your money.

Although you will not save hundreds with these simple tips, you will save some money.

Some have turned to hybrids for the answer, but let's be honest, the initial 25 thousand to invest is too much for the average individual to bear. And so, we're stuck paying excessive gas prices.

Good news, It no longer has to be so...

Many individuals have turned to convert their vehicles to run on both water, and gas. By doing so, they've managed to double, and at rare times, even tripled their gas mileage!

Ever heard of hydrogen cars? I'm not telling you that you can run your car on 100% water. As of now, no vehicle can run on water alone, BUT, your engine can use water to work with the gasoline, saving you tons of money!

Folks often report a 50% increase in gas mileage, which is the usual result when used correctly.

Alright, so you're saving money, but the best thing is that your being environmentally friendly by consuming less gas.

Like I said before: "it no longer has to be so..." but it's really up to you, if you would like to find out more on converting your vehicle, be sure to read my Blog, Water As Gas

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Eugene_Agyei_Yeboah

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